Tuesday, September 14, 2010

something's happening

i want eloquence and God wants freedom.
He's right, you know.
earlier last week i lost 2 friends in a car crash. I cried bitterly when i found out early sunday morning. me and my roommate hadn't exactly been seeing eye to eye. we had met 2 years prior at their wedding. we are both believers. i wrote in our contract that God's love will be above all else in our contract. signed.
we mourned together. we prayed together and i got an idea.
if this life is as paul says, then granted that my 2 friends were property of the 1 and only Jesus Christ, then I'm happy for them. sad for me. i'm happy for them because they are heaven bound, no longer tied to this earth. i'm sad for me because i will miss them dearly. that's not a new idea. we are called not to judge. i think that goes for both good and evil works of those who we see around us. there is a time when Jesus said that not everyone who calls out to me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom. in this way, as much as I can be happy for them knowing they went to church, it's not enough. what i need is the reality that they are heaven bound, since i'm not a judge.
"Lord, if for any reason my friends are not heaven-bound, raise them from the dead by your power. That way, they will be a testament to the living God, and have the opportunity to become heaven-bound. But, if they are indeed heaven-bound, I pray for the blessedness that you promised to those who mourn in the sermon on the mount. i pray for comfort..."
so the idea is a ministry idea.
mercy triumphs over judgement, right (james 2:13)? it's His will that NONE should perish, right (2 peter 3:9)?

"there's nothing more heartbreaking than death outside of Christ. i pray that believers having the presence of mind to pray for his healing will also be embolden to pray for his resurrection when he passes. typically, faith of the one in need of healing faciliates healing. in the absence of that, he needs a miracle, which just happens to be Jesus' specialty, and all of his disciples' calling. imagine the jaw- dropped atheists and the powerful testimony of hitchens. i'm blessed that my God can do above all i can ask or imagine. hmmmm..."

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