Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the prayer of marie-ange

"Father, I thank You so much for these precious saints and the opportunity to read about their heart for the nations and sow into sending them to the nations. I am so excited that you are raising-up a generation of people who have a heart for missions and are willing to go to some of the most remote parts of the world to share your love to all people groups & tribes to bring your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
As you have also given me a heart for the nations, I speak blessings over each of of them for the portion they will play in the different ventures they will part of. I speak multiplication, increase and open heavens as they are preparing to travel as well as during their time abroad. I pray you will reveal yourself to them in a new way and new dimension. As Papa Billy Johnson likes to say, wretch them real good in your Love so that they do not come back the same. I pray for supernatural provisions for all their needs during this time. I also ask for supernatural health and protection, that no weapon fashioned against them shall prosper. I ask you to give you the keys of the nations they will step into, as you told Joshua in Jos 1:4 that you will give him all the places he was to step-into. Through their obedience to go, I ask you for the nations of the world. Father, may you save Africa, Asia, America and Europe. I ask for a mighty revival and outpouring of your Spirit all over the world as you promised in Hosea. I also pray for divine connections and appointments on the grounds. Take each one of them deeper into your amazing ocean of Agape Love and show them a new facet of who you are as you did to Ezekiel in Ez 1. I ask for many marketplace miracles, households to be saved & healed, physical and spiritual touch from Heaven and all the good stuff that you alone have the formula to DO. I love you for what you are about to accomplish through each of them. As I pray, I do expect great testimonies upon their return. Thank you my precious Jesus! You're awesome and amazing and it's a priviledge for all of us to serve you, partner with you in what you're doing around the world and live for you everyday of our earthly life."

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