Monday, June 15, 2009

cause and effect

In 2004, Germany publicly apologized for one of it's colonization atrocities in Namibia.
There's the press, then there's this--
Prior to the apology, a group of Christians held a service on the land for the purpose of redeeming it, in the name of Jesus Christ. While they were there, a parliament convoy zoomed by. One people in the group proclaimed this as a sign that they would be redeemed at the governmental level...
I learned of this on my venture with rēp.
Believing that answered prayer caused the German government's effect is faith.
Have some.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

2 venture countdown 1

so here it is... leaving in a few hours to arrive in Cape Town Saturday afternoon.

i will be meeting members of the team at the airport. let the transforming commence! the clients we will be meeting will arrive with a heart to be the difference. the opportunity to partner with them is phenomenol.

a thrust of what we'll be addressing is purpose. what is the purpose of your business? quite simply, the answer is to glorify God. The Lord has put into each of us and all our resources a very special purpose. He's worked it in, and we need to work it out...

if you're reading this, chances are you've already partnered on the chance that something truly special is going to happen. i ask for those praying -- pray that barriers will be shattered to such a great extent that potential is unlocked for all those involved, including you.

This will take love. To God's glory it's going to happen.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

7 venture countdown 7

only 7 days left till South Africa venture with rēp...

filled with anticipation, catching up, hopeful...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

9 venture countdown 9

9 days until the South Africa venture with rēp...

sleepy, thankful, hopeful...

from the training scriptures --
" 'for i know the plans i have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future' "
jeremiah 29:11

His ways are far above our ways and His thoughts so high above our thoughts. so much of what's happening with the South Africa venture speaks to that. For generations, the indigenous people of the region have been denied of their God-given identities beyond belief. But in the name of Jesus, in 9 days local business leaders region will seek the Lord on how they can come alongside to renew the spiritual heritage of the people through the vehicle of business. in the throws of apartheid who could see this coming?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 venture countdown 10

10 days until the South Africa venture with rēp...

excited, overwhelmed, thankful for my supporters, your presence and God's grace

from the training scriptures --
'just as i also please all men in all things, not seeking my own
profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved...'
i corinthians 10:33

the Lord is truly taking me out of comfort zones for this venture. there's a lot of tightening up to do, but it is for the good of more than myself. this is the peace that comes from being stretched.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the prayer of marie-ange

"Father, I thank You so much for these precious saints and the opportunity to read about their heart for the nations and sow into sending them to the nations. I am so excited that you are raising-up a generation of people who have a heart for missions and are willing to go to some of the most remote parts of the world to share your love to all people groups & tribes to bring your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
As you have also given me a heart for the nations, I speak blessings over each of of them for the portion they will play in the different ventures they will part of. I speak multiplication, increase and open heavens as they are preparing to travel as well as during their time abroad. I pray you will reveal yourself to them in a new way and new dimension. As Papa Billy Johnson likes to say, wretch them real good in your Love so that they do not come back the same. I pray for supernatural provisions for all their needs during this time. I also ask for supernatural health and protection, that no weapon fashioned against them shall prosper. I ask you to give you the keys of the nations they will step into, as you told Joshua in Jos 1:4 that you will give him all the places he was to step-into. Through their obedience to go, I ask you for the nations of the world. Father, may you save Africa, Asia, America and Europe. I ask for a mighty revival and outpouring of your Spirit all over the world as you promised in Hosea. I also pray for divine connections and appointments on the grounds. Take each one of them deeper into your amazing ocean of Agape Love and show them a new facet of who you are as you did to Ezekiel in Ez 1. I ask for many marketplace miracles, households to be saved & healed, physical and spiritual touch from Heaven and all the good stuff that you alone have the formula to DO. I love you for what you are about to accomplish through each of them. As I pray, I do expect great testimonies upon their return. Thank you my precious Jesus! You're awesome and amazing and it's a priviledge for all of us to serve you, partner with you in what you're doing around the world and live for you everyday of our earthly life."

Friday, April 3, 2009

a convergence process

convergence is to direct towards a common center.