Wednesday, November 3, 2010

to Angel in Mozambique

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father --
Lord, I thank You for my sister, Angel. I thank You that she's been called and sent. I pray that through her, You will bless the nations and multiply Your harvest. I thank You for her willing and loving heart. I thank You that she's become a friend and has been revealed to me as a co-laborer in Christ. I thank You, Lord, that we are of one mind, and pray that You continue to bring all Your children to unity in the faith.
I pray over Angel experiences of You as Gideon experienced You in Judges 6:23-24, our perfect peace.
I pray over Angel experiences of You as the psalmist experienced You in Psalm 46, the Lord of Hosts, our Protector.
I pray over Angel experiences of You as the psalmist David experienced You in Psalm 23, our caring shepherd.
But Lord, we know Your style. In order for us to experience peace, You show us turmoil. If we want to know Your protection, You show us something to be protected from. In order to come through as our shepherd, we must become as sheep, simple and tuned to Your voice ONLY. I pray that Angel finds rest in Matthew 11:29 where You promise, through Jesus, rest for our souls. I pray that in all she faces, she lays claim to I Corinthians 10:13, knowing that you will not give her more than she can bear.
I stand with her in the spirit, that the same peace that governs her heart and mind in Christ Jesus will also rest on her family. That You will care for them and tangibly be present in the household.
Arm her for battle Lord with all Your armor as Paul urges us to be armored in Ephesians 6:10-18. Squash any fears, and let her rest in the fact that 2 Timothy 1:7 shows us that Your spirit provides power, love and self-discipline. Let Your light shine in and through her everywhere she goes: from the slightly shaded to the pitch-black places. In Your New Living Translation John 1:5 reads "The light shines in darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." We are bearers of that light, Lord. Shine through Angel, I pray.
Finally, Lord, I thank You that Angel and I see the same destiny for Africa: that Your Kingdom come. Speak with her mouth, touch with her hands, love through your child as a living sacrafice, that the people may be forever changed from an encounter with one of Yours, this Angel that You've blessed us with in this generation. Use her and her team mightily in Mozambique to the glory of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We claim this territory for your name, in the name of Jesus. In Luke 11:9 You urge us to seek and ask. So we ask You Lord, in the name of Jesus, would You please redeem the land and allow the people of Africa to know the abundant life You promise?
We will knock down the doors of heaven continually in this request. Cleanse and heal your people by your blood. Use us as Your instruments. Redeem them as in the resurrection. And we will continue to give You honor, glory and praise.
In Jesus' matchless name,